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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Challenges are good for us

When it comes to failure, challenges or roadblocks of any kind, we have two choices. One, freak out as if challenges were unexpected and unfair. Two, realize that challenges are part of any process and be prepared to fight through them.

Take how some deal with a traffic light for instance. It blows my mind how most people are surprised and upset that a light turns red... as if lights are sync'd to their vehicle and the rest of us must wait. What does that teach kids when we "miss" a light and we get upset? How is a kid supposed to act to a real challenge in life when they see us freak out over the smallest obstacles?

Here's a concept- The highest ranked home-run legends are also the record holders for strikeouts! It's pretty cool to think that the very best in the world are also the worst! Isn't that great? If kids could get this concept, as apposed to freaking out over the most mundane roadblocks in life like red light, they'd be much better prepared for life! It's sad to see a kid strike out in anything, throw their hands up and walk away defeated. Why? Because they have a misunderstanding of the process of success. We MUST fail like crazy to make it to the top. Jerry Seinfeld was booed off stage when he first started comedy... Steve King's book Carrie was rejected by dozens of publishers... The lists go on and on.

Could you imagine football with no defense? Let's see, you get the ball handed to you and there's nobody to chase you. Sounds easy, right? You wouldn't run, you wouldn't care and nobody else would watch, pay you for it or praise you for a touchdown. We need to TAKE HITS in life to move forward and enjoy the rewards of success. As miserable as some hits can be, it's a good thing. Embrace challenges and be ready for them instead of hiding from them!
Rich and Ram's quarterback Sam Bradford on a
private jet after doing a corporate event together. 
My observations lead me to believe that kids see adults freaking out over the smallest things and it keeps them from realizing the value in challenge. I believe challenge is awesome and I welcome it in... because I know when I jump a hurdle, there's some good stuff waiting for me on the other side! That's my food for thought for today.

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Social Services Testimonial

“Rich Ferguson is an engaging, entertaining motivational speaker! He will make you laugh, he will make you cry, and he will make you think! His presentation is interspersed with moments of magic that leave you in awe and wonder. His personal story is inspiring and powerful, demonstrating the resilience of the human spirit and serving as a message of hope to those who work with troubled youth.”

- Denny (Denise) Hoskins, Special Needs Adoption Program (SNAP) Supervisor, Department of Child Services

Rich Ferguson on Ellen

Video Testimonial

“Rich is amazing. His personal story is inspirational and youth seem to naturally be drawn to him.”

- Anna Boyd-Bucy, Executive Director Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County